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physical preparation suggested prerequisites to safely participate in an adult gymnastics class

if you are curious whether or not you are in good enough shape to safely participate in an adult gymnastics class, these guidelines should help

First of all, I want to mention that every adult gymnastics class is different. If the class is conducted where you learn and participate at your own pace, these physical prerequesites might not apply. However, by fulfilling them, you should have an easier and faster time picking up skills.

If you are training in an open gym setting, meaning that there is no guidance from an instructor, the same comments apply. You can try the sport without having fulfilled them, however you will likely have a far easier time if you have trained your body to complete the physical preparation prerequistites listed below.

physical preparation prerequisites adult gymnasticsGymnastics is fun for all, but it's even more fun when you come to adult class with some basic physical prerequisites met!

7 physical prerequisites that will help make your experience at adult gymnastics class better

  • Jog for at least 10 minutes without being exhausted as well as jump rope for at least 3 minutes without stopping (not necessarily back to back)
  • Overhead shoulder press 10 lb. in each hand for 15 reps 
  • 15 jump lunges alternating legs with good form (30 total)
  • Hold yourself hanging from a bar for 45 sec. without having to let go (can be a home chin up bar)
  • Stand on one leg with eyes closed for at least 30 sec. on each leg without falling over
  • 5 V-ups
  • Hold a facedown plank on toes with good form for 45 sec

Did you know we have an Adult Gymnastics Camp? Check it out.

How can I gain the fitness level required to perform the prerequisites?

  • Your body will gain endurance the fastest when you perform endurance based activities from between 4-6 times per week. You can work on your jogging outside, at a gym track or even on a treadmill for that frequency. You should be able to build up your tolerance over time. If you need to start with walking, start with walking.
  • Your body will gain strength the fastest when you perform strength training around 3 times per week for each body part. You can do legs 3 days per week and arms 3 other days per week, or you can do 3 full body days per week of training. You can perform 3 sets of the same exercise with a minute rest in between sets to work on building strength.
  • Your body will gain core strength the fastest when you perform core training 5 times per week. You may perform exercises for your abdominals at that frequency, such as V-ups. You can perform 3 sets of the same exercise with a minute rest to work on building strength.

what about flexibility?

physical preparation prerequisites adult gymnastics classYou will be rewarded with gains in flexibility when you work on it gently but very consistently!

By stretching at home, you can gain improvements in flexiblity that will pay off in your adult gymnastics class. This resource is a great place to find safe and effective stretching ideas that will work well for adult bodies. Check it out

You can perform flexibility work 5-7 days per week. If you notice you get faster results with 5 days, do that. Others really thrive with a 7 days per week program. 

I need accountability or a more structured workout plan

If this sounds like you, a session with a personal trainer who understands gymnastics might be just what you need! I offer sessions over Zoom and can design a training plan for you as well as hold you accountable. Book now 

find an adult gymnastics class

Hopefully now you feel equipped to show up to your first class safely! Remember, you are welcome to show up to a class without these suggested physical prerequesites, however by having them mastered it should make your first experience more relaxing and enjoyable. Find a Class

Disclaimer: Adult gymnasts and coaches give advice and suggestions on this page. By reading and implementing the information, you assume all liability for injury. The advice given is for educational purposes only. Please check with your in-person coach and ensure that you have the proper pit, mats and/or spot available before trying any suggestions. If you don't agree to these terms, do not attempt anything that you see on this page.

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